My Posts for this Quarter:

HTML: I've Gotta Admit I Thought This Was HoTMaiL

What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hyper-Text Mark-Up Language and is the authoring language used to create documents on the World Wide Web.

1: If done right, applications developed this way are very responsive you have a clear separation of logic (on the server) and presentation (on the client); the server doesn't have to concern itself at all with the presentational aspects of the application.
2: Potentially more efficient use of network bandwidth (you are only sending raw data, no presentational boilerplate).
3: Easier to develop desktop-like GUIs, since you're less dependent on the request/response paradigm.

1: You have to write your client code in Javascript, or a language that can compile to Javascript, because that's the only thing available in a browser resource usage on the client may be higher, so the application may not work well on substandard devices (think mobile browsers etc.).
2: It won't work at all with javascript disabled; if it is have a public-facing website, you have to think hard whether you are willing to take this risk (especially if you consider SEO and accessibility - a javascript-heavy approach is usually devastating on these two fronts).
3: A lot of logic has to be written twice: once on the client, and once again on the server (because you can never trust the client).

4: Concurrency can be a hell, so you need to design your client-side code very carefully and be prepared for all sorts of concurrency issues.

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