My Posts for this Quarter:

Domain Name System: Just like Dissecting a frog

The Domain Name System:

Top Level Domain Names

.com - Used by commercial organizations
.edu - Reserved for educational Institutions
.org - Used by non-commercial organizations and institutions.
.gov - Reserved by the United States for Governmental entities
.net - To be used by companies involved in the Internet infrastructure, such as Internet Service providers (ISPs)
Country names - To be used by countries
.biz - Added to accommodate businesses.
.info - Can be used for informational websites (or just about anybody looking for a domain name).
.aero – For aerospace companies. (crush ko)
.pro - Used by professional groups, such as lawyers and accountants.

Netiqette: Just Like a Linear Equation


{Rules for behaving properly online}= {Rule 1, Rule 2, …, Rule 9, Rule 10}
Rule 1= Remember the Human
Rule 2= Behave online as you do in real life
Rule 3= Know where you are in cyberspace
Rule 4= Respect other people’s time and bandwidth
Rule 5= Make yourself look good online
Rule 6= Share expert knowledge
Rule 7= Help keep flame wars under control
Rule 8= Respect other people’s privacy
Rule 9= Don’t abuse your power
Rule 10= Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes

Working Equation:

Netiquette = Internet + Etiquette
Netiquette = {rules for behaving properly online}
Netiquette = {Rule 1, Rule 2, …, Rule 9, Rule 10}

Final Answer: A set of rules for behaving properly online

HTML: I've Gotta Admit I Thought This Was HoTMaiL

What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hyper-Text Mark-Up Language and is the authoring language used to create documents on the World Wide Web.

1: If done right, applications developed this way are very responsive you have a clear separation of logic (on the server) and presentation (on the client); the server doesn't have to concern itself at all with the presentational aspects of the application.
2: Potentially more efficient use of network bandwidth (you are only sending raw data, no presentational boilerplate).
3: Easier to develop desktop-like GUIs, since you're less dependent on the request/response paradigm.

1: You have to write your client code in Javascript, or a language that can compile to Javascript, because that's the only thing available in a browser resource usage on the client may be higher, so the application may not work well on substandard devices (think mobile browsers etc.).
2: It won't work at all with javascript disabled; if it is have a public-facing website, you have to think hard whether you are willing to take this risk (especially if you consider SEO and accessibility - a javascript-heavy approach is usually devastating on these two fronts).
3: A lot of logic has to be written twice: once on the client, and once again on the server (because you can never trust the client).

4: Concurrency can be a hell, so you need to design your client-side code very carefully and be prepared for all sorts of concurrency issues.

CSS: What kind of Sorcery is this?

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet and is used commonly in making a website

1: Cross-Browser Functionality
 2: Speedy Development
4: Consistency
5: Reduce page size
6: Clean, Symmetrical Layouts

1: Extra Code
2: Lack of Freedom
3: Forced Semantic Changes
4: Closing Thoughts

Codeacademy: Learn to code

Codeacademy is a great website to learn how to code. It’s fun, interactive and you can do it with your friends. Codeacademy taught me more about the things i can’t get in HTML. Codeacademy is for HTML beginners and people who want to learn more about HTML.

HTML: Tags

An HTML Tag is composed of the name of the element, surrounded by angle brackets. An end tag also has a slash after the opening angle bracket, to distinguish it from the start tag.

HTML Tags:
< !--...-->                                 Defines a comment
< !DOCTYPE>           Defines the document type
< a>                                        Defines a hyperlink
< b>                                        Defines bold text
< body>                                Defines the document's body
< br>                                       Defines a single line break
< center>                              Defines centred text

< div>                                     Defines a section in a document
< embed>                             Defines a container for an external application
< h1> to < h6>                        Defines HTML headings
< head>                                 Defines information about the document
< header>                             Defines a header for a document or section
< hr>                                       Defines a thematic change in the content
< html>                                   Defines the root of an HTML document
< i>                                          Italicizes a text
< img>                                    Defines an image
< p>                                        Defines a paragraph
< span>                                 Defines a section in a document
< style>                                 Defines style information for a document
< sup>                                   Defines superscripted text
< table>                                Defines a table
< tbody>                              Groups the body content in a table
< td>                                      Defines a cell in a table
< tfoot>                                Groups the footer content in a table
< th>                                      Defines a header cell in a table
< thead>                               Groups the header content in a table
< time >                                  Defines a date/time

< title >                                   Defines a title for the document

Web Searching: Tips and Tricks

Just some tips taught to us:

1: Use web friendly words
2: Less is more
3: Search with an exact phrase
4: Don’t worry about cases
5: Search within a specific site
6: Don’t worry about punctuation
7: Search by file type
8: Get number conversions
9: Get the time
10: Get currency conversions
11: Check the weather
12: Get definitions
13: Calculate anything
14: Exclude a word or site

Powerpoint: We give the slides you make the presentation

I can’t believe there is more stuff to do in Powerpoint. We were taught about creating a good presentation by adding animations and other things that can improve our presentation. 

Powerpoint tips taught to us:

1: Use compelling material
2. Keep it simple
3. Minimize numbers in slides
4: Don't parrot Powerpoint
5: Time your remarks
6: Give it a rest
7: Use vibrant colors
8: Import other images and graphics
9:  Distribute handouts at the end - not during the presentation
10: Edit ruthlessly before presenting

With all these rules, we can create a successful presentation

It's Something

Copy and paste this in your notepad then save as matrix.bat.

@echo off
title The Matrix Code
color 0a
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
goto tricks

Protocols: Just like the Government

A protocol is a set of rules that governs the communications between computers on a network.

Kinds of Protocols:

POP : It stands for Post Office Protocol. It helps in receiving mails. It is mainly used for electronic mails.

SMTP : It stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It helps in sending mails. It is mainly used for email transmission across IP (Internet Protocol) based network.

DHCP : It stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It helps in assigning automatic IP address to a computer via DHCP server.

ARP : It stands for Address resolution Protocol. It helps in resolving the IP address of the computer over a network. It works with IP address associated with the MAC (Media Access Control) address encrypted in NIC (Network Interface Card)

RDP : It stands for Remote Desktop Protocol. It helps in communication of remote desktop connection. It provides the user to access a system from other system in GUI (Graphical User Interface) mode over an IP based network.  

FTP : It stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is a standard network based protocol which is used to transfer files or to copy data from one host to the other host on TCP/IP base network.

TCP : It stands for Transmission Control Protocol. It is a connection oriented protocol and helps in packets data flow control and error recovery. It also helps in making a physical connectivity between the computers.

UDP : It stands for User Datagram Protocol. This protocol works with IP (Internet Protocol) as it contains some packet datagram information. It provides checksum for the data integrity and port number for addressing.

HTTP : It stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. It is mainly used for the data communication over internet. It helps in communicating between a client and a web based server. Its port number is 80.